Thursday, November 19, 2009

Last post of the day. . . I promise

So, she screamed for an hour. I fed her. She fell asleep. I put her back in her crib - eyes open. She's screaming again.



  1. Oh my Laisa! Bad day? I'm so sorry! I hope she gets better at sleeping in her crib soon!! For you sake- and hers too :)

  2. Oh Laisa, I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, Aidan was the same way. I couldn't handle the screaming (the longest I made it was 30 minutes). He took almost every nap in my arms or in the swing until he was 6 months. And then, I don't know what was different, but finally I could lay him down in his crib (asleep) and he would sleep 45 minutes. Then that grew to an hour and a half and finally I was able to put him in there awake and now he sleeps for 2-3 hours. I don't know if it was something I did or what changed, but I guess eventually we were both ready to make it work. I hope you find something that works for you and soon :)

  3. I know this may not help to tell you this, but Eli has screamed upwards of 4 hours in a sitting. If this happens I occasionally go in and remind him I'm still there and love him, but eventually he does fall asleep....I know. Seriously, it's so frustrating when there isn't a decent reason for them to be upset. I'm sure you're doing everything right, don't worry. And it'll get better. It WILL.

  4. Taylor did the same thing. She'd only sleep in my arms, and putting her in her crib was the fastest way to wake her up. But I was going back to work and had to get her on a nap schedule. So I figured out a nap schedule (nap time always started after she'd eaten and been awake for awhile) and as soon as it was nap time, I'd swaddle her, put her in her bouncer with the vibrator on when she was still awake, and walked out of the room. She'd scream for 30 minutes plus sometimes, but after about a week, she was on the schedule, and it was beautiful (although she almost always cried a bit when I put her down - it wasn't for very long). She was about 4 months old when I did this, too. Good luck! I know it's not easy!
