Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reality Stars

Most people that know me know that I love, love, love The Biggest Loser. Especially after I went to the gym myself and can sit there and eat ice cream while I watch the show. Well, two seasons ago there was a couple on the show from a little town called Greer - which is right down the street from Greenville. Anyway - on Saturday I went to this Women's Show - which was basically a bunch of vendors, but Phil and Amy had a booth there. I definitely asked to get a picture with them. Actually, I got two. (Thanks Carol for lending your camera in such a dire emergency!)

Amy makes me look really, really pale. But, I am really, really pale. Maybe Bree and I will hit the pool today. Can't wait for the next season of BL to start on the 15th! Most of you also know that I don't have cable, so I know you're wondering how I watch the show. The good news is - most shows you can watch on the internet these days. The bad news is - I can't watch the episode until a week later. I'm always asking my aerobics classes what happened on the show.


  1. Yes, hit the pool Lais. Hit the pool.

  2. I am so jealous, I guess I can blame you for making me a HUGE Biggest Loser fan.
    I am now an addict to the show and can't wait to watch it TOMORROW!!! YEAH!

  3. You can come watch BL with me on my TV. The kids record it for me. We can even eat cake.
