Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Demise

Bree spits up all her food if I eat CHOCOLATE, so I'm trying really hard not to eat any. This is no easy task. I love chocolate. . . I would eat it every day. . . multiple times every day. I know abstaining will surely be the end of me.

Reality Stars

Most people that know me know that I love, love, love The Biggest Loser. Especially after I went to the gym myself and can sit there and eat ice cream while I watch the show. Well, two seasons ago there was a couple on the show from a little town called Greer - which is right down the street from Greenville. Anyway - on Saturday I went to this Women's Show - which was basically a bunch of vendors, but Phil and Amy had a booth there. I definitely asked to get a picture with them. Actually, I got two. (Thanks Carol for lending your camera in such a dire emergency!)

Amy makes me look really, really pale. But, I am really, really pale. Maybe Bree and I will hit the pool today. Can't wait for the next season of BL to start on the 15th! Most of you also know that I don't have cable, so I know you're wondering how I watch the show. The good news is - most shows you can watch on the internet these days. The bad news is - I can't watch the episode until a week later. I'm always asking my aerobics classes what happened on the show.